Banking Insights

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Blog: AI is Setting a Future Course for ATMs

With AI, financial institutions can reduce the rate of ATM failures, be better positioned to address the pain points of customers, combat concerns about financial inclusion and provide a service that is built to adapt as economic conditions evolve.

Blog: Strong (and Growing) Consumer Demand for Self-Service Banking Experiences.

Diebold Nixdorf has partnered with NielseniQ to conduct an annual Consumer Banking and Technology survey to understand consumer banking behaviors and attitudes. In this blog we explore the 5 distinct consumer segments identified from the survey results.

Blog: ATM Availability: How to Win the Challenge!

ATM availability is critical to customer satisfaction. Research shows, an ATM that is out of operation is the number one source of frustration consumers have with their financial institution. In this blog, we explore how FIs can change that dynamic and deliver market-leading availability to self-service channel users

Blog: The Trends Driving Real Change in Europe Right Now

Financial institutions need to be responsive and adaptive to key trends within the market. In this blog we review three key areas of focus that are delivering tangible results across Europe right now.

Blog: Are we ready for the age of hyper-personalization?

Becoming a part of a consumer’s daily life and offering meaningful and personalized services will embed financial service organizations into the hearts and minds of their customers for the future.

Blog: Four Ways to Increase Profit with the ATM Channel

With the right strategy and operating model, financial institutions can reduce total cost of ownership (TCO) and bring their ATM channel to the next level delivering a compelling consumer experience and business growth.

Case Study: Valiant Bank AG Expands Digital Strategy and Strengthens Customer Relationships

Learn how Valiant Bank AG expanded its digital roadmap and strengthened customer relationships with Diebold Nixdorf's ATM-as-a-Service solutions.

Blog: What is Driving Customer Centricity in Banking?

In addition to changing consumer behavior and the rise of challenger banks, digitization through data is playing a crucial role in the changes that are happening in the banking industry. In this blog we explore three drivers that are contributing to a more dynamic marketplace.

Case Study: DN Series™ ATMs Improve Customer Experience in the Self-Service Channel and Increase ATM Availability and Security

Banregio partners with Diebold Nixdorf to improve the customer experience and availability of its self-service fleet across Mexico.

Blog: A Holistic Approach to Diversity in Banking

Using a range of voices and research can support bold ideas for programs that engage customers and lead to sustainable success. For banks looking to breathe new life into their company culture, there are some critical steps that can be taken to accelerate the process.

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