Banking Insights

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Blog: Why You Need to Get Your Cassettes in a Row

Various factors put pressure on financial institutions to act efficiently. This trend has been continuing for year, but have you considered the configuration of your cash cassettes as a solution? With the right configuration there is a huge potential to create savings compared to a one-size-fits-all approach. Read the blog to find out more.

Blog: Flexibility is the New Standard for Cash Cassettes

Some things are simple to learn, but take a lifetime to master. Similarly, the concept of recycling cash is simple but as we all know there is a level of complexity to it. Especially, if you want to make use of its full potential. In this blog we will take a closer look at the choice of cash cassettes and what benefits the right combination can bring.

Blog:  Whose Responsibility Is the Future of Cash?

Whether used for budgeting, convenience or just as a payment method consumers feel more confident with the emotional trust and economic value associated with cash, which goes beyond just the physical note in all industries.

Blog: Cash Recycling: An Essential Contributor to Operational Efficiency

Has your organization fully evaluated the people, processes and technology that cash recycling would impact? The benefits are significant, and the positive impact of cash recycling can be felt throughout the whole retail banking business cycle.

Blog: Self-Service Cash Recycling – An Opportunity with Growing Interest Worldwide

Despite the growing use of digital payments, cash will remain an important payment method; we’re seeing an increase in cash deposits, laying the foundation for a business case for cash recycling.

Blog: Reduce, Reuse, Respond: How Cash Recycling Supports the Cash Automation Journey

Download the white paper, Eight Steps to Successful Cash Recycling, to better cash recycling systems can reduce cash management costs.

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