Banking Insights

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Case Study: Improved Efficiency and Advanced Services for Argentina's Largest ATM Network

Learn how Link partners with Diebold Nixdorf to allow them to monetize new functionalities and services to improve the customer experience and expand their portfolio.

Blog: AI is Setting a Future Course for ATMs

With AI, financial institutions can reduce the rate of ATM failures, be better positioned to address the pain points of customers, combat concerns about financial inclusion and provide a service that is built to adapt as economic conditions evolve.

Blog: Strong (and Growing) Consumer Demand for Self-Service Banking Experiences.

Diebold Nixdorf has partnered with NielseniQ to conduct an annual Consumer Banking and Technology survey to understand consumer banking behaviors and attitudes. In this blog we explore the 5 distinct consumer segments identified from the survey results.

Blog: Three Ways Banks Can Leverage Their ATM Network for Greater Stability

Many banks find themselves at a crucial inflection point and are evaluating how they can best use their resources to demonstrate stability and leverage existing touchpoints to reassure customers. Look no further than your ATM network!

Blog: The Role of Trust in the Shift to Sustainability

From investment decisions to how workforces operate, sustainability is a topic driving change across the financial services industry. As part of this shift to embrace sustainability, what role does trust play and how can this be embraced to truly harness sustainability effectively?

Blog: Moving Banking From Transactional to a "Destination"

Many organizations within the industry are re-evaluating who they are, and equally who they want to be for the future. Repositioning banking from transactional to more of a ‘destination of services’ could be the breeding platform for renewed competitive differentiation, facilitated by digital capabilities.

Blog: 5 Best Practices to Save Energy With Your ATM Fleet

Financial Institutions face several challenges when it comes to reducing energy consumption and carbon footprint. In this blog, we explore five best practices and discuss how your organization can take the next step towards a more sustainable and efficient ATM fleet.

Blog: ATM Availability: How to Win the Challenge!

ATM availability is critical to customer satisfaction. Research shows, an ATM that is out of operation is the number one source of frustration consumers have with their financial institution. In this blog, we explore how FIs can change that dynamic and deliver market-leading availability to self-service channel users

Blog: Is Banking Becoming Too Standardized?

By embracing the power of innovation and avoiding commoditization, is it possible to deliver efficient and effective digital services along with a human touch? Or, has the shift gone too far and the ability to truly add value through consumer journeys has been lost?

Blog: The Shape of Future Banking

As we head into 2023, Joe Myers, executive vice president, global banking at Diebold Nixdorf, explores some of the key themes having impact and driving change for the banking industry.

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