Banking Insights

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Case Study: An Outsourced ATM Fleet and Fully-Managed Services Elevate Customer Experience, Cost Savings and Efficiency

Learn about how Sparkasse Hannover, improved customer experience and an overall availability while reducing cost by 30% to 40%.

Video: Sparkasse Hannover Case Study
Video: Sparkasse Hannover Case Study

When Sparkasse Hannover outsourced a self-service fleet of more than 450 devices to Diebold Nixdorf, the bank’s objectives were to elevate ATM reliability, improve life-cycle management, simplify software updates and scale resources and capacity on-demand.

Blog: ATM ROI: Turning Challenge into Opportunity

ATMs remain an important banking channel, but how can financial institutions improve ATM ROI? This blog explores the options that are available to help you flip the ROI of your ATM channel from cost center to value generator. And, what to consider in terms of what you truly need to build yourself versus where you can instead partner or even outsource.

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