Banking Insights

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Blog: Embracing the Future of Banking, One Branch at a Time

From updated ATMs, to mobile apps, to virtual bank tellers, FIs are adopting new tools and technologies to drive innovation as they welcome customers back to newly-enhanced physical branches. This blog explores three of the emerging capabilities that may define the future of the physical bank branch.

Blog: Deposit Automation: Adapt and Thrive as Banking Evolves for a New Era

Merely having a deposit-accepting ATM is no longer the most efficient, convenient or fulfilling option for transaction migration. It simply isn’t a good experience for consumers or branch employees, and the cost to FIs for balancing is cumbersome. Deposit Automation technology creates the best overall experience and efficiency for migrating transactions out of the branch… especially with the acceleration of our dependence on self-service through COVID.

Blog: Innovating in Uncertain Times: What Can Financial Institutions Learn From Other Markets?

There is plenty of inspiration to be taken from retail-banking landscapes around the globe. It’s a landscape with a lot of moving—and still emerging—parts. But, it’s an opportunity for FIs to flex their capabilities and customer-centricity, and spend time critically assessing how they will evolve their offerings to meet the needs of the (as-yet uncertain) future.

Blog: Self-Service: The intersection of digital experience and physical fulfillment

Primary digital channels, such as online and mobile, require top notch service and can provide a personalized experience for consumers. But are you struggling to bring that same consistency into your physical channels? This blog explores strategies for modernizing your ATM channel into a fleet of hyper-connected, digital devices of the future.

Blog: Accelerating Transformation at a Time of Uncertainty

Inefficient innovation is not sustainable – nor can it create the right value chain required for your business. Implementing a model that can offer resiliency for the future and flexible options for customers now is the only way to meet the needs of highly demanding consumers.

Blog: How Digital Can Join the Dots of the Customer Journey

Focusing solely on meeting the short-term needs of customers is a missed opportunity. FIs seeking opportunity in the challenges of today will be using this new, more digital-dependent retail banking landscape as a springboard to reimagine their entire customer journey. Successful initiatives will drive cost savings, a sharper competitive edge, and, importantly, the best possible service for customers.

Blog: Supporting Your Fleet in the New World

With so much happening around us, a new normal is emerging for ATM channel management. Evaluating what works best for your business (and its efficiency ratio), employees, and end-consumers will ultimately need focused consideration, including service-based solutions that can optimize your operation.

Blog: 53 Years of Financial Technology Innovation and Counting

June 27 marks the 53rd anniversary of the world's first ATM. While common by today's standards, in 1967 the machine's debut drew crowds from all over. Little did many people realize the impact this technology would have, as it became one of the first innovations to radically shape the financial industry and consumer's daily lives forever.

Blog: What Does Self-Service Look like in the “New Normal?”

The crisis has had a major impact on the way people pay and bank. Financial institutions (FIs) have needed to react quickly to offer banking services across their network of touchpoints, engage appropriately with clients and staff and at the same time keep operating in an efficient manner. Let's look at some potential realities in the "new normal," in the short term, near mid-term, and long-term within the banking industry.

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