Banking Insights

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Blog: Navigating the Embedded Finance Revolution: Strategies for Simplifying Legacy Bank Technology

In today's financial landscape, integrating financial services seamlessly is key, but legacy banking infrastructure poses challenges, leading to layered solutions and scalability issues. Explore how embedded finance drives innovation, and how overcoming integration hurdles and forming strategic partnerships helps FIs lay the groundwork for banking transformation.

Blog: Creating Value-Added Banking for 2024

As we look to 2024, what topics and trends will be at the forefront of strategic decisions for the year ahead?

Blog: Financial Inclusion is Community Wide

As the importance of financial inclusion continues to rise for us all, how do we ensure we are laying a successful foundation for meaningful commitments? To make a real difference, working together is key to creating a common goal for change.

Blog: The New Face of Financial Services

The face of financial services has altered significantly in recent years and is likely to continue to adapt as innovation advances and consumers wants and needs accelerate.

Case Study: Improved Efficiency and Advanced Services for Argentina's Largest ATM Network

Learn how Link partners with Diebold Nixdorf to allow them to monetize new functionalities and services to improve the customer experience and expand their portfolio.

Blog: Modernizing Today's Journey-Driven Banking Landscape

To truly eliminate friction in today’s banking journeys, financial institutions must think beyond channels to create dynamic ecosystems. Today’s modern-day architecture can be the bridge to create and connect these ecosystems as well as to give financial institutions a better competitive position against the players that are chipping away at their fundamental existence.

Blog: Banking Automation: Still So Much Potential Left

Getting the right touchpoints in the right places is crucial in order to keep customers satisfied. As the ATM becomes an increasingly important delivery point for cash services, as well as often acting ‘as the branch’, how can you unlock its maximum potential?

Blog: AI is Setting a Future Course for ATMs

With AI, financial institutions can reduce the rate of ATM failures, be better positioned to address the pain points of customers, combat concerns about financial inclusion and provide a service that is built to adapt as economic conditions evolve.

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