Banking Insights

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Blog: Branches Are Getting Smaller, So Let Your ATMs Do More

Financial Institutions are reducing the size and number of their branches. There are numerous reasons for this, but the main question is how can they retain a connection with their customers in the real world? In this blog we take a closer look at the potential of the self-service channel to replace branches as a touchpoint in the physical world

Blog: Secure Your Self-Service Channel From All Sides

Wherever cash, customer and financial data play a role, security must as well. These assets are some of the favored targets for attackers of all stripes – brutal physical, sneaky data, or sophisticated cyber attackers –which is why security continues to be a hot topic at the ATM. As a key pillar of financial institutions’ (FIs) service strategy, providing users with a secure transaction is not only critical to customer satisfaction but even a prerequisite.

Blog: ATM Availability: How to Win the Challenge!

ATM availability is critical to customer satisfaction. Research shows, an ATM that is out of operation is the number one source of frustration consumers have with their financial institution. In this blog, we explore how FIs can change that dynamic and deliver market-leading availability to self-service channel users

Blog: Four Ways to Increase Profit with the ATM Channel

With the right strategy and operating model, financial institutions can reduce total cost of ownership (TCO) and bring their ATM channel to the next level delivering a compelling consumer experience and business growth.

Case Study: DN Series™ ATMs Improve Customer Experience in the Self-Service Channel and Increase ATM Availability and Security

Banregio partners with Diebold Nixdorf to improve the customer experience and availability of its self-service fleet across Mexico.

Blog: The Future of the Self-Service Channel: Differentiating for Growth while Maximizing Effectiveness

Be it driving growth or reducing costs, modern technology enables financial institution to transform their operations while fulfilling their consumers’ needs for innovation, security, and flexibility. Change must occur to meet the requirements of more digital-oriented consumers and compete with other digital-only competitors.

Case Study: FOREX Trusts Diebold Nixdorf To Manage Its ATM Network

Learn how FOREX partners with Diebold Nixdorf to drive digital transformation and enhance customer experience.

Case Study: State-of-the-Art Technology and End-to-End ATM Network Outsourcing Ensure High Availability and 99.8% Uptime

Learn how ČSOB strategic decisions to outsource has led to increased efficiencies and reduced costs.

Case Study: Virginia Credit Union Drives Enhanced Member Experiences and Drastically Reduces Skimming Attacks

Learn how Virginia Credit Union increased availability of their ATM fleet to 98%.

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