Banking Insights

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Guide: Self-Service Channel Management

How can you be best positioned to grow value and profit? Inside our latest guide, you’ll find best practice insight for success and real-life examples of progressive FIs who have implemented a winning, game-changing approach to their ATM strategy and operations.

Mindshare: Artificial Intelligence — A Priority For Financial Institutions?

In this Mindshare, we explore where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is at in the maturity curve, and how it can benefit your organization. Is now the right time for your organization to scale up investments in this technology? What value can be delivered by AI? See what our experts have to say.

Video: Support for... Your ATM Fleet Management
Video: Support for... Your ATM Fleet Management

Where does self-service fit into your complex ecosystem of channels, teams and growth initiatives? Choose to unlock value and opportunity with a profitable, innovative and growth generating self-service channel. Whether you call it outsourcing, managed services or ATM as a Service, connect with Diebold Nixdorf today to explore how DN AllConnect Services can materially shift your self-service banking ecosystem.

Video: Sparkasse Hannover Case Study
Video: Sparkasse Hannover Case Study

When Sparkasse Hannover outsourced a self-service fleet of more than 450 devices to Diebold Nixdorf, the bank’s objectives were to elevate ATM reliability, improve life-cycle management, simplify software updates and scale resources and capacity on-demand.

Blog: Outsourcing: What Financial Institutions Can Learn from Other Industries

”Do it myself” or “Do it on my behalf”. . . the continuum of where FIs see their self-service channel (and the potential for outsourcing a portion or all of it) doesn’t have to be a binary decision. In this blog, we take a look at potential learnings from outsourcing experiences in other industries to help understand the driving forces behind the rationale to outsource the self-service channel.

Blog: As Consumers Increasingly Demand Seamless Experiences, Connectivity is the New Standard

Rising consumer demands, growth of digital natives and older users‘ improved comfort with digital. See how connectivity and IoT-enabled service help manage these dynamics to transform banking.

Blog: Self-Service Converts: Driving New Adoption of Non-Branch Channels

The stay-at-home orders have forced everyone to adapt to new ways of doing things. See how consumers, including some unexpected demographics, are changing their banking behaviors.

Blog: ATM ROI: Turning Challenge into Opportunity

ATMs remain an important banking channel, but how can financial institutions improve ATM ROI? This blog explores the options that are available to help you flip the ROI of your ATM channel from cost center to value generator. And, what to consider in terms of what you truly need to build yourself versus where you can instead partner or even outsource.

Blog: Supporting Your Fleet in the New World

With so much happening around us, a new normal is emerging for ATM channel management. Evaluating what works best for your business (and its efficiency ratio), employees, and end-consumers will ultimately need focused consideration, including service-based solutions that can optimize your operation.

Blog: Services for a Connected World

Diebold Nixdorf AllConnect Services operates on an outcome-driven philosophy. Our SVP of services explains what that means in his latest blog.

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