Banking Insights

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Blog: Is Cash Management Your New Hotspot for Cost Savings?

With the increasingly tight squeeze on delivering cost savings and business efficiencies, cash management could be an untapped hotspot for you organization? Despite a rise in digital banking, consumer demand for cash remains constant. By taking a more coordinated, automated and technology driven approach to managing the cash in your network, you can save time, remove costs and reduce business risk.

Blog: Security in the Shadows of COVID-19

While fraud comes in all shapes and sizes, during the pandemic, criminals switched up some of their tactics. With stay-at-home orders and travel restrictions in effect in-person, ATM attacks actually dropped. In contrast, online, cyber-based attacks increased. As we see economies reopen, stay-at-home orders expire, and travel restrictions lift, in-person fraud is beginning its uptick once again. And that means you need to be armed with the best possible protections.

Blog: Self-Service Converts: Driving New Adoption of Non-Branch Channels

The stay-at-home orders have forced everyone to adapt to new ways of doing things. See how consumers, including some unexpected demographics, are changing their banking behaviors.

Blog: The cloud promises unprecedented agility, and the time to create a roadmap is now

We’ve only just scratched the surface of what the cloud can do for the financial industry. To gain the agility to compete in the modern banking environment, financial institutions need to build and invest with the cloud in mind. If you’re not yet on the cloud path, now’s the time to create a roadmap. In part 2 of this blog series, we outline the steps that can help you get there.

Blog: The New Frontier in Banking

The paradigm shift from a legacy to a cloud-based environment is a significant one, and fear of the unknown can undermine comfort and confidence, quickly stalling cloud conversations. But for financial institutions to nimbly deliver the kind of experience consumers increasingly expect, they must embrace the agility that can be gained through the cloud. In part 1 of this blog series, we discuss the misperceptions and benefits of a cloud-based strategy.

Blog: ATM ROI: Turning Challenge into Opportunity

ATMs remain an important banking channel, but how can financial institutions improve ATM ROI? This blog explores the options that are available to help you flip the ROI of your ATM channel from cost center to value generator. And, what to consider in terms of what you truly need to build yourself versus where you can instead partner or even outsource.

Blog: Deposit Automation: Adapt and Thrive as Banking Evolves for a New Era

Merely having a deposit-accepting ATM is no longer the most efficient, convenient or fulfilling option for transaction migration. It simply isn’t a good experience for consumers or branch employees, and the cost to FIs for balancing is cumbersome. Deposit Automation technology creates the best overall experience and efficiency for migrating transactions out of the branch… especially with the acceleration of our dependence on self-service through COVID.

Blog: Innovating in Uncertain Times: What Can Financial Institutions Learn From Other Markets?

There is plenty of inspiration to be taken from retail-banking landscapes around the globe. It’s a landscape with a lot of moving—and still emerging—parts. But, it’s an opportunity for FIs to flex their capabilities and customer-centricity, and spend time critically assessing how they will evolve their offerings to meet the needs of the (as-yet uncertain) future.

Blog: Self-Service: The intersection of digital experience and physical fulfillment

Primary digital channels, such as online and mobile, require top notch service and can provide a personalized experience for consumers. But are you struggling to bring that same consistency into your physical channels? This blog explores strategies for modernizing your ATM channel into a fleet of hyper-connected, digital devices of the future.

Blog: The Consumer Journey – Where End-to-End Security is Table Stakes

In every consumer experience, security must be at the heart of it all—securing the entire journey and maintaining trust with the consumer. Protecting your brand needs to be a top priority. Whether you take this on by yourself or you leverage a partner to carry some of the load – the table stakes are high and you need the right tools and partner to win.

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