Banking Insights

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Infographic: Protect your data, assets and people

Every network needs a layered, end-to-end approach to security—because attacks don’t sleep, and neither do we.

Blog: Steps to cash automation and benefits of cash recycling

In a cash recycling scenario, your own consumers are replenishing your ATMs for free. Are you taking advantage of it?

Blog: Your ATM Network and You... Have You DTR’d Yet?

One of the very first questions we always ask banks and credit unions is this: What is the role of the ATM within your network? In pop culture terminology, you might call it “defining the relationship” (DTR)... and it’s not always as easy to answer as you might think.

Blog: Earth Day: Five Green Targets to Make Your Self-Service Network More Sustainable

Financial Institutions have many opportunities to finance green initiatives and lessen their impact on the environment. Let’s take a closer look at how your organization can reduce your carbon footprint, “green” your physical channels and encourage more sustainable actions across your entire omnichannel network. Where do you stack up against these five action plans?

Infografik: 5 Schritte, mit denen Sie Ihr Finanzinstitut nachhaltig und ökologisch aufstellen

Gestalten Sie Ihr SB-Netzwerk nachhaltiger, effizienter und zukunftssicherer – für eine sich ständig verändernde Welt und sich ändernde Kundenerwartungen.

Video: End to End Security
Video: End to End Security

Security matters more than ever before. Diebold Nixdorf, the leader in connected commerce, ensures every experience and connection is secure from the back-end to your end user. Multi-layered, tested, verified, and audited, our solutions ensure the highest security quality.

Blog: Is Cash Management Your New Hotspot for Cost Savings?

With the increasingly tight squeeze on delivering cost savings and business efficiencies, cash management could be an untapped hotspot for you organization? Despite a rise in digital banking, consumer demand for cash remains constant. By taking a more coordinated, automated and technology driven approach to managing the cash in your network, you can save time, remove costs and reduce business risk.

Blog: Security in the Shadows of COVID-19

While fraud comes in all shapes and sizes, during the pandemic, criminals switched up some of their tactics. With stay-at-home orders and travel restrictions in effect in-person, ATM attacks actually dropped. In contrast, online, cyber-based attacks increased. As we see economies reopen, stay-at-home orders expire, and travel restrictions lift, in-person fraud is beginning its uptick once again. And that means you need to be armed with the best possible protections.

Blog: ATM ROI: Turning Challenge into Opportunity

ATMs remain an important banking channel, but how can financial institutions improve ATM ROI? This blog explores the options that are available to help you flip the ROI of your ATM channel from cost center to value generator. And, what to consider in terms of what you truly need to build yourself versus where you can instead partner or even outsource.

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