Banking Insights

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Whitepaper: Sustainable Banking: A Guide to Taking Action

Explore insightful guidance on how financial institution can strategically promote sustainability.

Blog: ATMs in Shopping Centers: How to Make Them All Greener

Cash is still king for many shoppers at malls in Switzerland and ATMs are essential to their customer-friendly shopping experience. But keeping ATMs running 24/7 can drain a mall’s energy reserve. Discover how Diebold Nixdorf is improving the power efficiency of ATMs while also creating a more of sustainable future around the cash ecosystem with its power management software.

Blog: Creating Value-Added Banking for 2024

As we look to 2024, what topics and trends will be at the forefront of strategic decisions for the year ahead?

Blog: The Role of Trust in the Shift to Sustainability

From investment decisions to how workforces operate, sustainability is a topic driving change across the financial services industry. As part of this shift to embrace sustainability, what role does trust play and how can this be embraced to truly harness sustainability effectively?

Blog: 5 Best Practices to Save Energy With Your ATM Fleet

Financial Institutions face several challenges when it comes to reducing energy consumption and carbon footprint. In this blog, we explore five best practices and discuss how your organization can take the next step towards a more sustainable and efficient ATM fleet.

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