Banking Insights

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Blog: Moving Banking From Transactional to a "Destination"

Many organizations within the industry are re-evaluating who they are, and equally who they want to be for the future. Repositioning banking from transactional to more of a ‘destination of services’ could be the breeding platform for renewed competitive differentiation, facilitated by digital capabilities.

Blog: Is Banking Becoming Too Standardized?

By embracing the power of innovation and avoiding commoditization, is it possible to deliver efficient and effective digital services along with a human touch? Or, has the shift gone too far and the ability to truly add value through consumer journeys has been lost?

Mindshare: CX Journeys Digital vs Physical

We’re bringing back two webinar guests from Forrester Research to share their thoughts on why creating a sustainable and seamless consumer journey is critical for customer retention.

Mindshare Series: Industry Thought Leaders Share Their Perspectives on Emerging FinTech Trends

The cloud. Open banking. Self-service and consumer experience strategies. Our Mindshare series shares experts’ perspectives on some of the industry’s hottest and most talked-about trends. Explore the library of topics here.

Blog: Accelerating Transformation at a Time of Uncertainty

Inefficient innovation is not sustainable – nor can it create the right value chain required for your business. Implementing a model that can offer resiliency for the future and flexible options for customers now is the only way to meet the needs of highly demanding consumers.

Blog: What Does Self-Service Look like in the “New Normal?”

The crisis has had a major impact on the way people pay and bank. Financial institutions (FIs) have needed to react quickly to offer banking services across their network of touchpoints, engage appropriately with clients and staff and at the same time keep operating in an efficient manner. Let's look at some potential realities in the "new normal," in the short term, near mid-term, and long-term within the banking industry.

Blog: An Earth-Day Top 10 List for Your ATMs: How to Operate Your Self-Service Channel the Responsible Way

Today we recognize sustainability and environmental protection efforts around the world. Check out this Top 10 list for your ATMs.

Blog: Banks prioritize technology to deliver during coronavirus crisis

At a time when human-to-human contact presents a risk, automation is seeming less like a disruption.

Blog: Why humans, not robots, hold the secret to digital banking

Humanity is the true heart of connected consumer journeys. To create frictionless movement between all channels, financial institutions have to understand the customer experience at a meaningful level. Robots cannot do that — even AI is only as good as the data people feed it — but people can.

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