Banking Insights

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Blog: The Final Step in an Effective Modern ATM Strategy: Location, Location, Location

How are you optimizing your ATM network from a placement perspective? The best locations are situated where your consumers are going on a daily basis for their everyday shopping needs. Continue reading for some tips to ensure you get the most out of your network.

Blog: The Second Step in a Successful Modern ATM Strategy: Get to Know Your Consumer, Really Well

When building the foundation for a successful ATM strategy there are three key pieces of information you need to consider: Consumer Analysis, Market Analysis, and ATM Network Analysis. Each are equally important, yet very different. Careful analysis of these components will reveal areas of strength and areas for improvement in your ATM network.

Video: Sparkasse Hannover Case Study
Video: Sparkasse Hannover Case Study

When Sparkasse Hannover outsourced a self-service fleet of more than 450 devices to Diebold Nixdorf, the bank’s objectives were to elevate ATM reliability, improve life-cycle management, simplify software updates and scale resources and capacity on-demand.

Blog: Your ATM Network and You... Have You DTR’d Yet?

One of the very first questions we always ask banks and credit unions is this: What is the role of the ATM within your network? In pop culture terminology, you might call it “defining the relationship” (DTR)... and it’s not always as easy to answer as you might think.

Blog: Is Cash Management Your New Hotspot for Cost Savings?

With the increasingly tight squeeze on delivering cost savings and business efficiencies, cash management could be an untapped hotspot for you organization? Despite a rise in digital banking, consumer demand for cash remains constant. By taking a more coordinated, automated and technology driven approach to managing the cash in your network, you can save time, remove costs and reduce business risk.

Blog: ATM ROI: Turning Challenge into Opportunity

ATMs remain an important banking channel, but how can financial institutions improve ATM ROI? This blog explores the options that are available to help you flip the ROI of your ATM channel from cost center to value generator. And, what to consider in terms of what you truly need to build yourself versus where you can instead partner or even outsource.

Blog: The Consumer Journey – Where End-to-End Security is Table Stakes

In every consumer experience, security must be at the heart of it all—securing the entire journey and maintaining trust with the consumer. Protecting your brand needs to be a top priority. Whether you take this on by yourself or you leverage a partner to carry some of the load – the table stakes are high and you need the right tools and partner to win.

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