Retail Insights

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Blog: How Managed Services Improve Business Continuity for Convenience Retailers

In today’s 24/7 non-stop digitized economy, system downtime is pretty close to a deadly sin. Or at least a costly sin. Business continuity in the retail store is crucial for higher revenues, loyal customers, and efficient store staff.

Video: Convenient Fuel Retailing with Vynamic® FCx Software
Video: Convenient Fuel Retailing with Vynamic® FCx Software

Vynamic FCx streamlines your forecourt and c-store operations. Combining online with offline, and with dedicated cloud services for convenience and food-2-go, Vynamic FCx lets you adapt to new consumer trends quickly.

Mindshare: Bringing Self-Service to the C-Store

We talked to convenience retail expert from Intel, Andrew Gentry, and our own, Reint Jan Holterman, to learn how retailers can best prepare themselves to provide new self-service journeys in their c-store.

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