Retail Insights

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Whitepaper: Engaging and Personalized In-Store Experiences Powered by Storevolution™

Explore in our Zebra partner-branded whitepaper how retailers can boost transactions across store checkout channels with mobile solutions.

Blog: The Clever Solution Helping Retailers Crack the (Fresh Produce) Code

DN Smart vision technology recognizes the produce item with the scale camera and presents the customer with the proper name of the item. After customer approval, the fresh produce item is added to the transaction in a single click.

Video: Self-Service is Revolutionizing Retail
Video: Self-Service is Revolutionizing Retail

In an increasingly digital world, the physical store is dramatically changing as technology plays a critical role in the evolution of retail. Advanced self-service technology is transforming and enhancing the store experience for customers around the world.

Video: Top Five Reasons to Choose Diebold Nixdorf for your Retail Self Service Solutions
Video: Top Five Reasons to Choose Diebold Nixdorf for your Retail Self Service Solutions

Do you feel locked in with your current self-service vendor? There’s another way. Find out how to be hardware and software agnostic.

Blog: It’s Time to Connect the Dots Between Journeys, Stores and Operations

Success in retail requires retailers to keep a close eye on many aspects of the shopping process. What is needed is an integrated approach where journeys, stores and business operations are managed together as a whole – and where changing one part of the equation will immediately impact the other parts.

Case Study: Advancing the Self-Service Journey with Customer-Centric Check-Out Technology

Learn how tegut partnered with Diebold Nixdorf during a recent expansion phase to create a strategic, comprehensive approach to modern checkout.

Blog: Contactless and frictionless shopping experience for a more safety-aware world

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted retail to a point of no return. It has brought forward digital transformation and changed the way consumers want to shop.

Mindshare: Get to Know Your Shopper Types and Offer the Right Journey

Retailers are at a critical inflection point: evolve consumer and staff journeys—including store infrastructure—or risk being outperformed by more agile retailers. We encourage retailers to assess their IT and business teams to find ways to improve the customer experience and staff journeys with mobile technology. We talked to retail strategy expert Bill Inzeo and our own Anja Popp about how mobile journeys can enhance the shopping experience and offer certain segments the option they’ve been waiting for.

Case Study: Flexibility and Seamless Implementation are Key

Co-Op UK recognized their hardware was quickly becoming obsolete. Diebold Nixdorf helped identify an end-to-end systems upgrade, including a modular retail POS system.

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