Retail Insights

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Blog: Building the Connected Forecourt of Tomorrow

The role of the fuel station has quickly emerged from a ‘petrol dispensing area’ to an access point for a whole range of convenience services that make customers’ lives easier. Learn how the forecourt plays a key role in improving the customer experience and opertional efficiency of a gas station.

Mindshare: Bringing Self-Service to the C-Store

We talked to convenience retail expert from Intel, Andrew Gentry, and our own, Reint Jan Holterman, to learn how retailers can best prepare themselves to provide new self-service journeys in their c-store.

Blog: The Times, They Are a-Changin’

Due to COVID-19, fuel & convenience retailers need new technologies that promote low- and no- contact shopping journey's.

Blog: NACS 2019: My Three Takeaways on Trends and Innovations in the Fuel & Convenience Market

The fuel and convenience industry focus is shifting in response to emerging customer trends. Our retail expert shares his three takeaways from NACS 2019.

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