Retail Insights

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Blog: How Managed Services Improve Business Continuity for Convenience Retailers

In today’s 24/7 non-stop digitized economy, system downtime is pretty close to a deadly sin. Or at least a costly sin. Business continuity in the retail store is crucial for higher revenues, loyal customers, and efficient store staff.

Whitepaper: Engaging and Personalized In-Store Experiences Powered by Storevolution™

Explore in our Zebra partner-branded whitepaper how retailers can boost transactions across store checkout channels with mobile solutions.

Blog: The Clever Solution Helping Retailers Crack the (Fresh Produce) Code

DN Smart vision technology recognizes the produce item with the scale camera and presents the customer with the proper name of the item. After customer approval, the fresh produce item is added to the transaction in a single click.

Video: Self-Service is Revolutionizing Retail
Video: Self-Service is Revolutionizing Retail

In an increasingly digital world, the physical store is dramatically changing as technology plays a critical role in the evolution of retail. Advanced self-service technology is transforming and enhancing the store experience for customers around the world.

Video: Top Five Reasons to Choose Diebold Nixdorf for your Retail Self Service Solutions
Video: Top Five Reasons to Choose Diebold Nixdorf for your Retail Self Service Solutions

Do you feel locked in with your current self-service vendor? There’s another way. Find out how to be hardware and software agnostic.

Video: Convenient Fuel Retailing with Vynamic® FCx Software
Video: Convenient Fuel Retailing with Vynamic® FCx Software

Vynamic FCx streamlines your forecourt and c-store operations. Combining online with offline, and with dedicated cloud services for convenience and food-2-go, Vynamic FCx lets you adapt to new consumer trends quickly.

Mindshare: Bringing Self-Service to the C-Store

We talked to convenience retail expert from Intel, Andrew Gentry, and our own, Reint Jan Holterman, to learn how retailers can best prepare themselves to provide new self-service journeys in their c-store.

Video: Vynamic® SFx: Checkout Software for Fashion & Specialty
Video: Vynamic® SFx: Checkout Software for Fashion & Specialty

Vynamic SFx offers the most flexible checkout software available, dedicated to Specialty & Fashion retail. Built from scratch to reap the true benefits of the cloud, we help you deliver today’s and tomorrow’s retail journeys in the best possible way!

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