Banking Insights

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Blog: Strong (and Growing) Consumer Demand for Self-Service Banking Experiences.

Diebold Nixdorf has partnered with NielseniQ to conduct an annual Consumer Banking and Technology survey to understand consumer banking behaviors and attitudes. In this blog we explore the 5 distinct consumer segments identified from the survey results.

Blog: The Final Step in an Effective Modern ATM Strategy: Location, Location, Location

How are you optimizing your ATM network from a placement perspective? The best locations are situated where your consumers are going on a daily basis for their everyday shopping needs. Continue reading for some tips to ensure you get the most out of your network.

Blog: The Second Step in a Successful Modern ATM Strategy: Get to Know Your Consumer, Really Well

When building the foundation for a successful ATM strategy there are three key pieces of information you need to consider: Consumer Analysis, Market Analysis, and ATM Network Analysis. Each are equally important, yet very different. Careful analysis of these components will reveal areas of strength and areas for improvement in your ATM network.

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