
Mindshare Series: Industry Thought Leaders Share Their Perspectives on Emerging Retail Trends

April 28, 2021  |  DIEBOLD NIXDORF

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In this Mindshare, industry thought leaders from SeeChange and Diebold Nixdorf share their perspectives on emerging retail trends for automating produce recognition.

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In this Mindshare, guest speaker Su Doyle, Senior Analyst at Forrester Research, and Robert Krause, VP Electric Vehicle Charging Business at Diebold Nixdorf, give their thought on how to improve the charging experience for EV drivers.

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In this Mindshare, experts from MuleSoft and Diebold Nixdorf discuss how an API-first approach helps retailers in their digital transformation programs, and how it leads to more flexibility, faster innovation, and higher returns on investment for the entire IT ecosystem.

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Together with our partner Shoals, Diebold Nixdorf ensures charger manufacturers and CPOs can expand their operations rapidly while offering EV drivers the best customer experience.

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We talked to Emily Pfeiffer, Senior Analyst at Forrester, and our own Nicolas Pelletier about the future of retail and the characteristics of a technology foundation that support this future best.

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We talked to mobility expert Mark Thomson and our own Philippe Dauphin about how mobility will shape the emerging retail landscape from consumer and staff perspectives.

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We talked to retail strategy expert Bill Inzeo and our own Anja Popp about how mobile journeys can enhance the shopping experience and offer certain segments the option they’ve been waiting for.

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We talked to retail analyst Alan Burt, from UK-based research and consulting firm RBR, and our own Leyla Feghhi about how mobile self-scanning is being adopted globally and how retailers can ensure these mobile journeys are always available.

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We talked to convenience retail expert from Intel, Andrew Gentry, and our own, Reint Jan Holterman, to learn how retailers can best prepare themselves to provide new self-service journeys in their c-store.

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We talked to Microsoft's, Anya Minbiole, and our own, Dr. Michael Schulte, to learn the role of the cloud now and in the future.

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