Retail Insights

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Mindshare: Bringing Self-Service to the C-Store

We talked to convenience retail expert from Intel, Andrew Gentry, and our own, Reint Jan Holterman, to learn how retailers can best prepare themselves to provide new self-service journeys in their c-store.

Case Study: Advancing the Self-Service Journey with Customer-Centric Check-Out Technology

Learn how tegut partnered with Diebold Nixdorf during a recent expansion phase to create a strategic, comprehensive approach to modern checkout.

Mindshare: Get to Know Your Shopper Types and Offer the Right Journey

Retailers are at a critical inflection point: evolve consumer and staff journeys—including store infrastructure—or risk being outperformed by more agile retailers. We encourage retailers to assess their IT and business teams to find ways to improve the customer experience and staff journeys with mobile technology. We talked to retail strategy expert Bill Inzeo and our own Anja Popp about how mobile journeys can enhance the shopping experience and offer certain segments the option they’ve been waiting for.

Blog: The Power of Personalization in Store

There’s a strong case for looking at how we can make the store experience feel more dynamic, compelling, and easy. The ability to better capture and use data in stores, to roll out new services and to personalize offers, requires further channel integration of IT systems.

Whitepaper: The Future of Retail is Modular

Explore how modularity can help retailers offer consumers more choice in their personal shopping experiences.

Blog: The Importance of Openness in the Future of Retail

As a result of the pandemic, many retailers discovered that they lacked the IT agility to implement changes swiftly and effectively, illuminating a challenge that the industry must address so it can thrive moving forward: the need for an open, flexible infrastructure that can adapt to rapidly evolving customer journeys.

Blog: A Tale of Two Conferences: From NRF to EuroShop, One Key Theme Emerged

Attending these two shows presented an excellent opportunity to take a look at retailer viewpoints on opposite sides of the Atlantic. The key takeaway was, self-service is the path forward.

Blog: NACS 2019: My Three Takeaways on Trends and Innovations in the Fuel & Convenience Market

The fuel and convenience industry focus is shifting in response to emerging customer trends. Our retail expert shares his three takeaways from NACS 2019.

Blog: How Self-Service is Transforming Fast Fashion & In-Store Retail Experiences

At our recent TechStyle pop-up shop in London, we showcased a checkout solution that does just that. An innovative “fashion table,” our SCO specifically designed for retail empowers shoppers to scan their own items or even place all of their items on the table at once to be scanned in bulk through RFID technology.

Blog: RFID: Why it should matter to Retail

RFID technology has been available for quite some time, but the concept of tracking products with the help of RFID tagging didn´t really catch on, primarily because RFID equipment prices (both labels and devices) have been too high to offer true competitive benefits for early adopters. However, as RFID technology has evolved and become more mainstream, prices have come down and today it offers an interesting alternative for retailers that want to improve their customer service and operational margins.

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