Retail Insights

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Blog: Closing the Gap Between Increasing Demand and Decreasing Staff

Orchestrating all mobiles journeys for customers and associates alike can be tricky and requires a clever strategy upfront. It’s recommended to think upfront about how to proactively monitor your mobile retail ecosystem before hiccups happen, and how to make use of the wealth of real-time data you collect as a retailer.

Mindshare: Will All Retail Journeys End up in the Cloud?

In this Mindshare, we talked to Emily Pfeiffer, Senior Analyst at Forrester, and our own Nicolas Pelletier after the webinar “Will All Retail Journeys End Up in the Cloud?”, we asked both experts five questions about the future of retail and the characteristics of a technology foundation that support this future best.

On-Demand Webinar: Will All Retail Journeys End Up in the Cloud?

Listen to guest speaker, Emily Pfeiffer, Senior Analyst at Forrester take a deep dive into the future of retail and the characteristics of the technology foundations that supports the future.

Blog: Stop the Cycle of Rip and Replace in Retail

There is a way to work smarter, not harder, to ensure your retail solutions are meeting consumers’ quickly evolving expectations. In this blog we explore two key areas where a new perspective can make a huge difference: digitalization of the c-store, and reducing friction in your store operations.

Video: Convenient Fuel Retailing with Vynamic® FCx Software
Video: Convenient Fuel Retailing with Vynamic® FCx Software

Vynamic FCx streamlines your forecourt and c-store operations. Combining online with offline, and with dedicated cloud services for convenience and food-2-go, Vynamic FCx lets you adapt to new consumer trends quickly.

Blog: Retail mobile journeys: a smarter shopping experience for customers and associates

When it comes to the future of retail shopping, enabling mobile journeys is the next step forward—with store-owned personal shopping devices playing a central role in enticing, exciting and engaging consumers.

Mindshare: Bringing Self-Service to the C-Store

We talked to convenience retail expert from Intel, Andrew Gentry, and our own, Reint Jan Holterman, to learn how retailers can best prepare themselves to provide new self-service journeys in their c-store.

Video: Vynamic® SFx: Checkout Software for Fashion & Specialty
Video: Vynamic® SFx: Checkout Software for Fashion & Specialty

Vynamic SFx offers the most flexible checkout software available, dedicated to Specialty & Fashion retail. Built from scratch to reap the true benefits of the cloud, we help you deliver today’s and tomorrow’s retail journeys in the best possible way!

Video: Vynamic® GRx: Smarter Checkout for Grocery Retailers
Video: Vynamic® GRx: Smarter Checkout for Grocery Retailers

Learn how Vynamic GRx as part of Vynamic Retail Platform, offers the most flexible checkout software available for Grocery. Built from scratch to reap the true benefits of the cloud, and based on decades of international grocery experience, we can support today’s and tomorrow’s grocery journeys in the best possible way.

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