Banking Insights

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Blog: The Value of Hard Disk Encryption

Welcome to our exclusive blog series, dedicated to securing your self-service ATM network against emerging threats and vulnerabilities. Diebold Nixdorf’s commitment to security is ingrained in our DNA. Drawing from the expertise of our security experts, we’ve identified seven shields to secure your fleet long-term. In our security blog series, we’ll explore each shield in detail, offering invaluable insights and strategies to protect your ATM network.

Blog: Secure Your Self-Service Channel From All Sides

Wherever cash, customer and financial data play a role, security must as well. These assets are some of the favored targets for attackers of all stripes – brutal physical, sneaky data, or sophisticated cyber attackers –which is why security continues to be a hot topic at the ATM. As a key pillar of financial institutions’ (FIs) service strategy, providing users with a secure transaction is not only critical to customer satisfaction but even a prerequisite.

Mindshare: End-to-End (E2E) Cash Authentication: A Revolution to ATM Security?

Jackpotting at the ATM is a global problem. To combat this type of attack, the CEN/XFS committee will publish a new security standard later this year called End-to-End (E2E) Cash Authentication. We talked to three security experts to find out what we might expect from this new standard.

Case Study: FOREX Trusts Diebold Nixdorf To Manage Its ATM Network

Learn how FOREX partners with Diebold Nixdorf to drive digital transformation and enhance customer experience.

Case Study: State-of-the-Art Technology and End-to-End ATM Network Outsourcing Ensure High Availability and 99.8% Uptime

Learn how ČSOB strategic decisions to outsource has led to increased efficiencies and reduced costs.

Blog: The Power of Purpose-Built and Zero-Trust

Security approaches to meet today’s demands are not black and white anymore. Institutions must take aggressive measures to prevent any form of attack and maintain consumer trust. Network operators simply cannot let their guard down on any front—so how can they effectively manage attacks coming from every angle?

Infographic: Protect your data, assets and people

Every network needs a layered, end-to-end approach to security—because attacks don’t sleep, and neither do we.

Blog: Security in the Shadows of COVID-19

While fraud comes in all shapes and sizes, during the pandemic, criminals switched up some of their tactics. With stay-at-home orders and travel restrictions in effect in-person, ATM attacks actually dropped. In contrast, online, cyber-based attacks increased. As we see economies reopen, stay-at-home orders expire, and travel restrictions lift, in-person fraud is beginning its uptick once again. And that means you need to be armed with the best possible protections.

Blog: The Consumer Journey – Where End-to-End Security is Table Stakes

In every consumer experience, security must be at the heart of it all—securing the entire journey and maintaining trust with the consumer. Protecting your brand needs to be a top priority. Whether you take this on by yourself or you leverage a partner to carry some of the load – the table stakes are high and you need the right tools and partner to win.

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