Banking Insights

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Blog: Looking after the Health of your ATM fleet in a futuristic way.

Health-checks apply to more than just us humans. ATMs are expected to be always on, 24-7, constantly ready to process complex operations at speed for years. A perfect understanding of their lifecycle is required to ensure they stay healthy and maintain up time.

Blog: It’s Time to Expand the Definition of Financial Inclusion

Financial inclusion consists of many different facets and priorities that vary by geography, but it starts with financial education and securing access to financial services. As people progress to “actively banked” they experience positive changes that impact not only the individual and their immediate family, but their villages, communities and society as a whole. This bl

Blog: The Self-Service Channel Opportunity: How to Remove Complexity, so You—and your Customers—Can Maximize the Inherent Value

What does it mean to be a financial institution (FI) today? The definition is changing, as new players enter the market and disruptive technologies emerge. What can you do to stay ahead of the curve?

Blog: Optimize the Cost of Cash

The availability of cash at an ATM should go without saying. Yet, there are cases in which ATMs go out of service or experience downtime due to lack of funds. With today's data intelligence, there are ways to finally solve this problem once and for all.

Blog: Here’s the Operating Model that Could Change the Game: Are You In?

Outsourcing ATM operations enables FIs to deliver a superior consumer experience, be in full control of security and compliance and increase efficiencies and channel profitability. This blog is a collection of the primary benefits we heard from four FIs from around the globe.

Blog: Self-Service Cash Recycling – An Opportunity with Growing Interest Worldwide

Despite the growing use of digital payments, cash will remain an important payment method; we’re seeing an increase in cash deposits, laying the foundation for a business case for cash recycling.

Blog: The Power of Purpose-Built and Zero-Trust

Security approaches to meet today’s demands are not black and white anymore. Institutions must take aggressive measures to prevent any form of attack and maintain consumer trust. Network operators simply cannot let their guard down on any front—so how can they effectively manage attacks coming from every angle?

Blog: Discover the “why” to create moments that matter

Dive into the latest research on the types of consumers using your banking channels. We partnered with NielsenIQ to survey 12,000 people across 11 countries. Find out what they really want in a bank.

Blog: Self-Service Channel Management: To Outsource or Not To Outsource? This is No Longer the Question!

Competitive advantage, risk mitigation and management costs are three key criteria which leaders should consider when deciding whether to outsource business activities. In this blog we explore all three areas and provide guidance on how to maximize your resources with the day-to-day and strategic support of a managed services partnership.

Blog: ATM Security Management: Know your options

While there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to ATM security, there are options available to protect your ATMs and network and ensure consumer trust while providing secure services. In this blog we take a short look at the types of attacks FIs must protect themselves against and the importance of an end-to-end holistic approach that features intelligence driven, targeted security solutions that mitigate risks and balance your business needs with your consumers’ expectations for privacy.

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