Banking Insights

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Whitepaper| Payments Modernization: How to Transcend Consumer Demands

Explore how a well-executed payments modernization project can result in improved customer satisfaction and increased margins, followed by the thoughtful planning, smart processes and strong partnerships needed to get you there.

Blog: Strong Relationships and Customer Aspirations Drive Innovation in the Payments Arena

Strong partnerships deliver strong results across every sector, and the payments arena is no exception. As banks move to modernize existing payment systems, they no longer want a traditional customer-supplier relationship, but one built on partnership.

Blog: As payments evolve and become quicker, how can we support banks?

Banks must be able to integrate the latest payment solutions, including real-time payments, into a single ecosystem in order to respond to new uses among consumers, who are eager to adopt flexible mobile payment methods, and offer them a transparent multi-channel experience.

Blog: Building a Smarter Agile Bank

Once banks break from the traditional, channel-centric approach that often stifles innovation, they'll be able to offer dynamic digital ecosystems that match customers' need for the "always on" solution.

Impact Study: Future-Ready Payments Solutions | Remaining Competitive with Reusable Technology

As banks wrestle with the emergence of new payment types, and digital currencies – those with the most agile, secure, and reusable platform will be rewarded with a strong competitive edge and increased profitability.

Blog: Updating Legacy Payments Systems Starts with Embracing a Phased Approach

Doing nothing isn't the way to go, but a Big Bang approach is risky and expensive. A phased, agile approach to updating payments platforms is less risky and allows banks to ramp up legacy systems step-by-step, channel by channel, and transaction by transaction.

Blog: In the Instant Payments Race, Does Winner Take All?

“Instant payments.” It’s a term that’s been talked about for years, but in practice (if you exclude the use of cash) it’s less than a decade old. So, what does it really mean? And why is it so important in today’s payments space?

Blog: How Data Sharing is Changing the Definition of Banking

The increased competition from fintechs has forced financial institutions (FIs) to innovate, improve their offerings and their customer service, and in some cases lower their costs. Open banking will continue to change how consumers view their banking options, providing opportunities and posing challenges to FIs, merchants and card processors.

Brochure: A Payment Platform for the Future

Diebold Nixdorf’s Vynamic™ Payments is the next generation in payments processing software, a cloud-native platform built to power the ongoing transformation of the financial services and payments industry. We approached payments with a fresh perspective—focused on disruption rather than iteration. See how you can leapfrog to the next generation in payments processing now.

Blog: The API Economy is Revolutionizing How People Think About Money and Finances

The API economy that FinTechs have taken advantage of gives a glimpse into how consumers will think about money in the coming years. A fully connected ecosystem that can seamlessly integrate new payment types, new authentication methods, and new channels will be essential to both attracting and retaining, consumers.

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