Banking Insights

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Blog: Klein aber oho – Pavillons machen den Unterschied!

Neue Bauweisen, Materialien und Designs machen Banking-Pavillons flexible und nachhaltig. Unsere Experten begleiten Sie bei Standortanalyse, Design und Umsetzung zur passenden und erfolgreichen Pavillonslösung für Ihr Institut.

Case Study: E2E transformation journey

New design concept for 3 branch formats supports branch efficiency, reduced costs and improved consumer experience

Case Study: Flexible, Open Branch Layout

Volksbank Riesa eG wanted to create a modern branch that enabled better interactions between staff and customers and offered their consumers the ability to bank how they choose. We helped them achieve that and more.

Case Study: Reinvigorate a traditional branch space

Branch modernized while keeping its historical landmark protection

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