Banking Insights

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Blog: Klein aber oho – Pavillons machen den Unterschied!

Neue Bauweisen, Materialien und Designs machen Banking-Pavillons flexible und nachhaltig. Unsere Experten begleiten Sie bei Standortanalyse, Design und Umsetzung zur passenden und erfolgreichen Pavillonslösung für Ihr Institut.

Blog: The Benefits of Looped Cash Cycles: A Conversation with Volksbank Albstadt

Cash recycling ATMs give financial institutions the power to control their entire cash management process from end to end. We sat down with Volksbank Albstadt’s Head of Facility Management, Joachim Schmalzl, to discuss how the bank successfully implemented recycling—and how their cash cycle was transformed as a result.

Blog: What Questions Should You Be Asking About Cash Cycle Optimization?

Discover the keys to smart cash processes. We help financial institutions typically save between 10% and 30% on cash management costs.

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